Schneider Electric:

Energy, Sustainability

Web development, UI/UX, Visual design

31% increase in views over the campaign period.
1mins average dwell time.
33% audience found the user experience to be much easier to watch and navigate videos.
26% of the audience say they have a better perspective of Schneider brand.
With the global energy crisis threatening to de-rail our net zero goals, Schneider Electric wanted to assert their position as a force for good in the energy sector.

With the launch of a new season of sustainability focused videos, I took the opportunity to improve the usability of their sustainability video hub, inspired by a streamlined Netflix style user experience. The previous page required users to scroll down the page to click a thumbnail which controlled a video player embedded at the top of the page in the hero section. By utilising a modal player and a dropdown, the experience was vastly improved.
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Typography, colour & imagery
With the use of carefully positioned UI, dropdowns and overlays that utilise Schneider brand colours, users can easily find and navigate through the seasons of sustainability videos.
White paper on technology and sustainability
In collaboration with CNBC Catalyst, Schneider Electric interviewed experts on how they are leveraging digital technology for a more sustainable future. I designed this report to be an engaging read, showcasing real-world case studies and actionable advice from leading organizations.
Download report