Journey to AI

Computing, AI

UI/UX, Visual design, Motion graphics, Motion title design, Art direction

4 mins average dwell time
300,000 page views
7000+ social interactions
Businesses know artificial intelligence (AI) can transform their operations, but deploying artificial intelligence at scale may present significant challenges. With a long track record of cloud computing and artificial intelligence, IBM wanted to help guide businesses on this journey, by creating a dialogue with prospective business partners that could make the most of their services, knowledge and expertise in this field.

CNBC Catalyst and IBM® brought together a panel of experts for a virtual roundtable on the power of AI and predictive technologies, driven by data and open cloud platforms. I design these two advertorials centered around the round tables coverage, creating engaging visuals supported by key findings and data. Motion graphics, video and illustrations were used to keep users engaged, taking them on a journey of thought leadership in AI.
Journey to AI A hybrid world
Typography, colour & imagery
using animations to visualise ai
I created simple flat animations that loop or trigger as users scroll down the page to help visualise technical computing concepts and services.
Driving traffic
Ad units were used to drive traffic to the two destinations. They were positioned alongside editorial content on as well as within external sites.
Keeping users engaged
On a topic that can sometimes lose the interest of readers, scroll triggered animations and stats help to keep users scrolling. Tabbed nav bars help users digest and navigate the long form content.
Creating leads
Readers are pushed back to the site via a sticky tab to the left of the page and a promo before the footer of the site.
Key findings and stats from the roundtable are animated througout.
The microsites are broken into sections that flow from one topic to the next, punctuated by illustrations and video footage.
The two microsites use colour palettes and design systems which nod to IBM brand and styling whilst being sympathetic to the CNBC brand and existing readership.