Road to net zero

Finance, Sustainability

UI/UX, Visual design, Prototyping

300,000 page views
5mins average dwell time
68% felt better equipped to help their company reach net zero
Climate change is a bigger concern now than it has ever been.
Amongst a discerning business and investing audience, HSBC wanted to establish themselves as thought leaders and potential business partners to industries transitioning to net zero, helping to accelerate the fight against global warming.

I created a series of immersive, rich-media pages that were dynamically targeted via promotional placements around editorial business news content. Insights from HSBC were dispersed throughout the hub and articles, driving users back to the HSBC website to generate leads and provide further topical information.
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Typography, colour & imagery
The video series and articles were promoted in a circular fashion around the video series and advertorial pages for cross pollination.
taking users on a journey of discovery
A line graphic is used to draw users down the page, stats, photography and video greet them along the way, the final destination is a message from the client. At the based of the advertorial site the user is encourage to visit to the client website for more information and direct interaction.
Beautiful photography and video is used throughout to visualise the topics of sustainabiilty and finance.
UI design helps users to easily navigate to and from topics, included previously read and watched content.
Designed mobile first.